March Resolutions

by - 14:27

I am so unbelievably aware that it is March. And that this post is about New Years’ Resolutions. I really am. (Stick with it, it does sort of make sense).
 However, I was hoping we could possibly look past that- you know, turn a blind eye.
I thought I’d give myself a bit of a re-do and just forget January and February all together to be honest with you, and I thought I’d just bring you all along with me. First post and all that, might as well get acquainted with one another.  Life went a bit up shit creek and it had me thinking – so here are 4 steps that I’m going to take from now, the middle of March, into the rest of the year.


Stop being so messy in the way that I deal with my life.

I am the messiest human being I know. This can range from a variety of things, such as a messy bedroom, a messy house, a messy bag, and gross, messy hair. And I am also very fucking messy when it comes to relationships with people and problems that tend to arise in my life.
I like to run away from things. Literally. I didn’t like University and because of this I haven’t been there for a couple of weeks. I ran away, basically. If I wasn’t so tragic about it I’d probably be laughing too, but there you go. Laugh away.
Now I’m sure there are plenty of you that are just as messy, if not more, than me – so feel free to join me in this: from here on out, I’m dealing with my shit head on. I’m going to stop weaving my way out of problems with people to avoid an argument, I’m going to stop running to other cities to avoid a subject I hate and I’m going to stop being an absolute bellend.

Leave the phone alone. Or at least just a little bit.

I’m probably addicted to my phone. I won’t lie to you, it’s normally within at least a 2-metre radius, and I am 100% too keen of a replier, it’s probably a bit creepy. Sorry about that, friends.
To be honest with you, I pay fifty quid a month for that phone and my mantra has always been to rinse the fuck out of it, because I know damn well I can’t afford it. However, when it’s next to me at a dinner table or I’ve just been continuously scrolling through the same three apps for the last 2 hours (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… and so on) it’s probably a sign that I should put it down. Just for a little bit.  Therefore: I will be having at least an hour a day where I leave it the fuck alone. I’ll read, maybe. I’ll let you know.


Do more of what make’s me happy.

I spend a good chunk of my day trying to think of ways to please the people around me so that I can avoid any sort of confrontation whatsoever. My brain likes to play this game sometimes, you know, and tries to convince me that if I ever specify that I don’t want to do something or go somewhere that someone has suggested, they’ll probably disown me.
Obviously, that’s completely not true (at least I hope it isn’t) and I’m just being a bit weird. I get a bit anxious about these things I suppose. So, I say: fuck it. Writing makes me happy, so I started this blog and I’m pleased that I did and so it’ll to stay that way from now on. I’m going to be damn decisive when it comes to making decisions, and I’m going to put myself first.


Learn to like being alone.
If there’s one thing I could drill into my brain for the rest of my life, it would be to remember that being alone does not mean that you are lonely.
Yeah, it’s nice to be with friends a lot of the time and it’s great to have people around you that you love and trust – but it’s also really damn nice to have some time to yourself.
I’ve actually found recently that, although it’s quiet, I’ve had the time to think through a lot of shit that had been in my head for a while but had avoided because I didn’t want to be alone. It’s scary having to confront thoughts that you’ve avoided, but when you do it’s the best feeling the world I promise you. Being alone is something that I was often terrified of, but I’m learning to love it. Plus, there’s nobody around to judge me when I’m eating share-bags of poppadums to myself whilst re-watching every video on the SACCONEJOLY’s YouTube channel. Honestly you should try it, it’s fun.

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