19 Things I've Learnt at 19

by - 14:48

19 Things I've Learnt at 19

I've been on this planet for, give or take, 19 years or so but granted I probably only remember about 7 of them if we're being completely honest. I've never had a paaaarticularly good memory BUT I'd like to think that I've learned a thing or two about a thing or two. I mean I'm probably going to look back on this in a couple of years or so and lol at how stupid some of these are SO in honour of future me, here are 19 things I - think - I've discovered at 19. 

1: CRY
Cry. Sure, you feel like shit afterwards (and during, obviously) but letting out aaaaaall of the crap that you're feeling is actually a really good thing. Funnily enough it's proven to be a natural way to relieve emotional stress - and if you don't, you're more likely to put
physical stress on your body! (look at me, pretending like I actually passed my Science exam) SO I cry at pretty much anything and everything, and it really is okay. So go on - cry at that movie, you knoooow you want too.

2: Not EVERYONE has their shit together

Although it feels like absolutely eeeeeveryone in the world bar you has their lives together, complete with a bloody dog and all, but they don't. They really, really don't. I mean, some do I'd imagine but the chances are they don't. So bask in the uncertainty of mostly everything - because chances are they'll be that way for a while until you're probably like 27 or something, that sounds like a decent age to have your life in order. Props to you if doooo you have your life together though, I do wish I was as brilliant as you.

3: Stand up for what you believe in!

I've found that, although standing your ground can be scary, it's so so so important that you do it. Even if you're standing on your own. YOUR  feelings are the most important, and what you believe in is a vital part of who. you. are. So what if people think that you're wrong? You'll feel a hell of a lot better knowing that you stood your ground than had you held back. Promise ya.

4: Don't waste time on people that won't spend time on you

Life is far, far too short to be wasting your time on people that won't give you a second of theirs. It's a two way system folks, and although you may desperately want to keep that person in your life - if they don't seem phased at having you in theirs, the likelihood is that they aren't. Ditch them, it'll be so worth it in the long run.

5: Volunteer for things!

I spent a large majority of my teenage years volunteering at my dance school and helping to teach the Baby Ballet classes every Saturday. Sure, the 9am starts every morning were a fucking killer, and some mornings I really would have rather of been aaaaanywhere else, but looking back on it - I'm really glad I stuck it out. Plus, I made fucking amazing friends that I'll love forever n ever.


Oh my good god, if there is one thing that I've learned out of EVERYTHING here it's to stop overthinking everything! I'm still working on this, and fucking hell it's difficult (so I understand the struggle) but I know that digging into things too deeply in my head does me absolutely zero favours.
Chances are, the 'problem' will never even escalate to the scale that you're imagining, so just try to go with the flow and let what will be, be. 

7: Stop apologising for everything 

If there's one thing I do continuously without even realising, it's apologising for every. little. thing.
STOP apologising, you really don't need too. Your hair looks fine, your face looks fine and your room isn't as messy as you think it is.

8: If you cannot keep a promise, don't make one

I'm not sure if this is the kid in me, but if I make a promise I intend to keep it. Nothing in the woooorld upsets me more than when somebody breaks a promise. Now that may mean I'm five and get hurt far too easy, but it aint cool man.

9: It's necessary to put your happiness before others sometimes

Although wanting to keep everybody happy is normal, it is not worth sacrificing your happiness to make somebody else feel better. YOU are important, and it is important to look after yourself. 

10: Sometimes it's better to take life day-by-day

Funnily enough, I've recently learnt this from someone very important to me. Although it's great to want to plan in advance and have your life and your friends and your job set on one very strict path with an ideal goal to happiness, sometimes it's actually better to just 'grab it by the balls' and take it day by day. Who fucking knows what will happen tomorrow, STOP planning everything. It's actually pretty great.

11:  Ian Somerhalder will always be baaanging

I think we can all agree that, even at 38, that man is fuckin something else

12: Things DO get better

I have had a preeeetty rocky couple of years, but I'm STILL here. Life moves forward, as do you. As hard as things may seem right now, you will get past them and you'll come out a better human being for it. I proooomise.

13: Mistakes are IMPORTANT

If you never make a mistake, you'll never learn from it. How you learn from your mistakes will form you into the person you're supposed to be, shit happens and life goes on. You'll be thankful for them in the long run.

14: Appreciate your parents and your grandparents

They WONT be around forever, and its so so so important to appreciate everything they do for you. You'll miss them when they're no longer here and you'll regret not showing them enough love when you could've. I promise.

15: Stop being so hard on yourself

Chances are, unless you've murdered somebody, you're a pretty fucking cool human being. Everyone has something that makes them special, take yours and embrace it. You're great!

16: 'Have courage, and be kind'

Oh Cinderella.. I think this one kind of speaks for itself. It's pretty accurate isn't it

17: Naps are NEVER a bad thing

I love a good nap, and naps bloody love me. They genuinely fix everything, don't be afraid to take them often

18: Just accept the fact that year 8 you will never reaaaally go away

I wouldn't let them ever see the light of day again though, them fringes NEVER need to come back from the depths of hell


Please please please, if you take anything from this: just love yaself. It's SO important. Put yourself first and don't settle for anything that will hinder the respect you have for you. So what if you've got lil stretchmarks or you think your legs are too skinny or you don't think your smart enough, or perhaps think you're toooo smart. YOU ARE GREAT. i promise x

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  1. Love reading these posts, thanks for sharing!

